01 02 03 HYPERFASHUN: FASHION GIRL 101 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33



Hi ya,

Been a while i posted on here. Apologies. I promise to find that work life balance even if it kills me.

So i  have gotten quite a number of requests from people who want to work in fashion. Styling in particular and that will be the focus of this post and a few others to follow. I know you've heard people say this before and it may sound cliche but i'll say it again. Fashion is fun on the outside, but working in fashion can be far from glamorous and it doesn't matter what stage you are, interning or even super established.

I get emails from people and its exciting to me that people are interested but sometimes when i talk to some people, They just generally don't know what path to follow. Fashion is quite wide and there are different career paths to follow. You could be a clothing designer, accessories designer, a general fashion consultant like Chalya (which is of course when you've had loads of experience in various fields) or you could be doing Fashion Marketing and PR just like Ono or Bobby Taylor, You could be a stylist, a  Fashion writer. There's fashion production, logistics etc all those fancy fashion shows people work round the clock to make it fancy. There's also a whole lot that i haven't mentioned but which you can find out by doing some research.

I'm not even going to talk about those who think its a piece of cake. Imagine the other day i took some time out to talk to a  girl who wanted to be a stylist in this Nigeria yet she had no clue who the top designers are. No clue at all. Couldn't even tell me one. and if you know me i'm quite very easy to talk to. I definitely won't come into a room and intimidate anyone These are the people you're going to be working with eventually. Are you kidding me? It was a waste of my time. Now the thing is no one expects you to know everything. Else you wont be interning. But like.. please do some research. Even a quick one with your Blackberry can make all the difference. Oh well.

Anyway in subsequent posts, I will drop some tips and a little education on what has helped me so far. Its weird as i feel we are all learning everyday. I'm learning too but you never know what  little advice can help a fellow Fashion Enthusiast. So yeah expect that from next post and of course i'll only be talking about STYLING for now.

PS: So some of you know i have a full time job at Genevieve Magazine right? I have a responsibility to attend events which the Magazine gets invited to. Most of which are pretty dope. This was at the launch of the Mikel Obi Foundation at the Civic Centre. This dress is made out of traditional george fabric. Been wearing my hair this way for a while now. Its just so easy. Brush back and off i go. Hopefully, i wont get stuck in a rut.

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