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Hey guys hope you had a great weekend. Here's a look at what I wore this past weekend. I had to go support my friend who organized a 'his and hers' intimate fair at the Lagoon restaurant over the weekend. (Read the post before this) Also a client of mine wanted to show the lingerie/adult section of her boutique.

I wanted an outfit that would be comfy and make my day easy cos asides the fair I had two other appointments on that day and it meant I had to come and go etc.  I'm big on comfort I've often joked sometimes that I want to make so much money so I can go everywhere in my Pjays. Lol

Anyway I'm a stylist so I doubt that is even possible.

That is musician duo Skuki at my client's stand, and below shoppers perusing the products. Will get more photos soon.

Have a great week.

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