01 02 03 HYPERFASHUN: HAPPY EASTER! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33


If you're in Lagos do you agree that this has to be the coolest (literally) Easter Sunday ever? What with the much needed rain to reduce the heat on a sister's brain.  

Hope you've utilized this little break and managed to have some fun or chill out with loved ones. Speaking of loved ones, my mum gave me this fabric on my bday last year but I had been too busy to decide what I wanted to do with it. I finally took it to designer Ella 1278 so she could figure out something for me. She came up with two outfits out of this fabric. I plan to wear the other soon maybe tomorrow even.

I have to confess though, I was a little wary of this fabric. I thought it was a little sweet. I'm not Mary Poppins so I liked that the purple doused the sweetness a little. Another factor was the horizontal pattern I thought it'd make me look fat. Lol. Ok I agree...I can complain. Honestly I think I might be the most difficult person to style. I'm way too finicky for my own good.

Ps- Grey's anatomy heads..Yo!! What just happened?? Cristina didn't win the Harper Avery? I feel like we all need to go into mourning. This is a blow. We just got hit.

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