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This is not a religious blog but I'm Christian so sometimes I will talk about some certain things. There are times I feel like it's a little difficult to live in a worldly fashion and still be religious.

I was at Mass not too long ago and the Priest started his homily with the part where Jesus asked his disciples "who do people say I am" he went on to explain that Jesus was interested in knowing how people perceived him. (I think there was a part where he was more interested in what his guys believed so he asked who do 'you' say I am. But this is me digressing) 

Anyway back to the homily, he went on to explain how it is important to make sure people see us in a good light and how we should live examplary lives etc. This got me thinking. In the world today, you hear people say stuff like *i don't care what the world thinks of me as long as I know me* or "zero f**** for your opinion" and so on.. Truth is, it is really difficult to be a good person to everyone or for your life to be examplary in these times. People are difficult to please generally. Moreso, I  find that as we go through life we are perceived differently by different people. Most times, the attitude we give off by default stems from how a person treats us. It's an action-reaction cycle. From little things to big things. For instance if two incompatible people get into a relationship and breakup, one of the partners might describe the other as stubborn, inconsiderate etc. However in a whole other relationship where both parties are compatible, same person could be described as warm, caring etc.

To a lazy colleague, you may be described as a pain in the a*** perfectionist, nagging human being and so on.

I have this cousin, my mum's cousin actually, he was always that one person my parents made an example of. He went to public primary and secondary schools in Nigeria, university here as well, and he always came out top of his class. He became a Dr of one of the sciences and actually got a job as a lecturer in the same university he went to, got married, had kids all before turning 28! To us he was just out of this world amazing but one day I was speaking to a friend who was in his department and i said "hey I'm sure you know my cousin, he may be one of your lecturers" and her description of him was crazy horrible. She went "that silly randy guy very wicked and stupid human" apparently he had been eyeing her friend in the same class and was giving her a hard time with school work. I couldn't believe it and nothing I said in his defense meant anything to her. He was a slimy human who didn't care about the sacrament of marriage or anything close to it.

Anyway I don't know if that was a good enough example of what I'm trying to express. Thing is ultimately, it is a bit of a struggle being concerned about how people speak of you but then again the holy book says you should care. In practical it is hard. So what do you do?

Personally I used to care but these days, I can't even honestly tell you one person I care for their opinion of me and that's the truth. However I find that  'I' do care about giving off an irresponsible vibe more than anything, So I try not to be late for meetings and shoots or give silly excuses when I'm not able to complete a task before a deadline. I care about how I look when I go out ( not everytime though sometimes I take 'off days) cos I find I can't stand people who manage to look bad all the time. I care about wasting time on irrelevant things. 

I notice there's a lot of 'I care about how I' in my life and lately I've been trying to change things and see things from other people's eyes. Family and friends of course and maybe later, the world but I can't promise that.

Speaking of what people think, how do you see my tie-dye heart strings jumpsuit below. Lol.

It is from Republic of Foreigner ROF and off their Fall 2013 collection. 

These photos were taken backstage guest presenting on Spice Tv's 'Spice Most' it's on Dstv Ch 192. The show is basically about Fashion Insiders giving their 2 cents on a topic of the day. This episode was Most stylish black/African icons and the trends that they set. 

Blog again soon Xoxo!

PS: Empire is back in a few weeks. I really don't know how excited I am for it. I feel like Power knocked it out of the race. There was really no need to ever compare the two shows. Have you been following Power? Honestly Jamie and Angie deserve an award for onscreen chemistry. The way she calls Ghost alone deserves a special award. "Jamieeeee" that girl is too sexual biko, Tasha needs to take several seats and appreciate.. I kid! Those two are just despicable lol.

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