Tuesday 1 November 2011

Sewing for Dummies.

I was reading one of my fav Nigerian fashion magazines Complete fashion, when i stumbled upon an ad by designer,Nobel Afrik, that said 'learn how to sew in 3hrs'. Hmmmmnnn. Anyway,  i decided to give them a shout. They were so courteous on the phone and asked me if i would like to book a space etc.

I had planned a date with myself earlier for that day. It didn't involve much though. Just going to see a movie ALONE and afterwards a massage. The massage had been booked like 2months now but i just haven't found the time to go. Anyway, i couldn't pass up so i said yes. I've always wanted to learn basic sewing skills just to be able to alter my own outfits exactly the way i want. I have lost quite a few outfits to charlatan Obiomas. The most painful being my mum's vintage Emmanuel Ungaro jacket. *twinge of sadness*

It was quite eventful. We learned the different parts of the human form and what they were called in terms of taking measurements and the most interesting part of the lesson was the pattern making, and cutting.  We were then shown how to thread a sewing machine and sew up the outfit. It was a 3hr lesson and practically, there was no way to teach everyone individually and get us to use the machines. But trust me i sat in front. So i got to take in every lesson and as a result of sitting in front, i was used as a mannequin for the sample outfit to be made. I dint quite like it though cos i missed out a few notes. Why not just use the mannequin which was right there! Lol.

Anyway i got to keep the pattern since the skirt we made was my size. I can always make one for myself when ever i want. The designer also let us know one random person will get a call with a year's scholarship offer at any of his 5 schools in lagos. There were screams yo!

I took some photos with a cellphone camera so pls dont mind the dark photos and oily face lol.

That's the pattern in my hands and i'm wearing the skirt that was made.  Love it! 

I had so much fun at the class and afterwards, i thought movie or massage? None sounded interesting and it was the final day of the MTN Lagos Fashion and Design week. I had missed out on the previous days because of work. So instead, i decided to go help out backstage at the Obsidian show. It was fun dressing up  the models. It was pretty busy and i couldn't take any photos.You can visit the official site of the MTNLFDW  to see collections from all the designers.

The evening was fun and i didn't mind having to drive home late at night. While doing all these, i totally forgot i had been sent a mail earlier in the week to be at a shoot for L'Espace 'The advisory'. Call time was 8am the following day!!

 Peace, Love and Sequins.


  1. Awesome blog... in no time, you'd be sewing. shebi na small small pesin they start, lol.

    Anyhoo, please visit my site and spread the word, if you please its for awesome vint. finds and tribal finds.

    thank you.

  2. Thanks colette. Now going over 2 ur site:)

  3. Wow, this is really nice. The skirt is a perfect fit. I would love to learn how to sew o, it would be nice to save money and DIY it.

  4. pls could i have their contact? thanks.......and thats a beautiful make u have!

  5. @ Anon. Thank you. Pls send me an email

  6. I really love your blog it's so chic and clean, is there a Nobel Afric outlet in Abuja because i'd love to learn how to sew.

  7. Thanks babe. I think Nobel Afrik is in Lagos alone but i'm not too sure though.


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