Wednesday 10 August 2011

Luxury Brands, Knockoffs and the Budding Fashionista.


A while ago on my Fb page I expressed my distaste for  people adorning fake designer pieces aka Knockoffs.  People left comments on the post, i replied, and we called it a day. So imagine my surprise days after that post, when i got a bbm message from this girl. Let's call her Miss X. Here's what she wrote. "What was that you said on Fb eh... What are you feeling like? long hiss" Oh oh! someone was pissed!

You see in as much as i love fashion and i have been known to forgo basic necessities just to acquire something i like, which i think may be going too far but at the same time nonetheless dignifying. One of the things i will never ever do is adorn a knockoff.  Yes we see these things beyond our reach and we drool but please stoop at the drooling. Don't go ahead and try to purchase an exact replica. Its just cheap. its like putting a huge tattoo on your forehead that says 'I'm razz'. no matter how cool you think you look.

But most importantly for me and i don't mean to take the moral high ground but its just disrespectful to the designer who spent the time and creative energy to come up with that beautiful piece. There are even companies whose sole business is producing 'high quality replicas'. Imitation is the best form of flattery agreed. But this does not apply here.

While i was in school, i went to the Palms with a friend. We were both in year 1. We had gone to window-shop and maybe get some costume jewelery. My friend wanted to go into the Tiffany Amber store and i held her back "Baby lets not go in.. we'll only come out sad". She dragged me in and because my mum always says the rosary for her children, i was sure i wouldn't fall into temptation.

Before that day, my friend had never heard of Tiffany Amber but i ended up having to pay our cab fare back home and also pay for my friend's meal as my dear friend withdrew all of her allowance from the ATM to pay for a pretty Tiffany Amber blouse. Now that's flattery.

The feel of a luxury piece is heavenly i wont lie. ( i mean i hugged my James Lully bag everyday for 2 weeks before putting anything in it) and yes we see women like Deola Bali and Nkiru Anumudu and wish we could corner them in the dark. But the truth is all of us may not be able to afford these high end pieces or go through the needed sacrifice to be able to. If you must be a label lover, why  not patronise designers with more affordable pieces. There are a few here in Nigeria, and their pieces are just as fabulous. Designers like Wana Sambo, Maju, Clemas, Babushka, Moofa and Jewel by Lisa also have the more affordable J label .

Check them out and see for yourselves.

Let me also add that Maju makes the most amazing purses.

Peace, Love and Sequins.


  1. I detest fakes. i think its tacky and a total disregard for the designer's creativity.

  2. Oh me too bought a fake white duffle LV once in London for 25 quid (sad I know but it was fine at that time).. Used it like 1ce or twice to school then used it to travel outside London (at night only), then dumped it!!

    Back in Naija now and it irks me to see fakes.. Urggh.. I shud gone to dorothy perkings or Asos or any good high street store to spend my 25.. I wuda walked with grace and honour..

    Stumbled on your blog.. Lavit!!

  3. Lol Mariaah your story is too funny. Thats it o. i personally will never spend my money on a knockoff.I'd rather go for what i can afford. You know there are some pple that will argue and say " what if its a very good imitation". That is even worse in my opinion. Its easy to forgive those who buy them unknowingly.

  4. watz wrong with buying fake designers?arent they able to carry stuff tooo or people loose items in their fake bags? seriously, dont see ur point, make me understand.
    would see ur pont if u were an Amerian Blogist, buh u know how it is back here. fake or not shouldnt be a priority ,looking good is wat counts

  5. Lol @ your comment. This has nothing to do with being based in Nigeria or America or wherever. In my opinion, it is just disrespectful to the designer. Its like writing a really good book and someone else decides to read it, write the exact same story and makes money off it. Its not nice.

    I agree with you that looking good is what counts and in this post i have said you can equally look good buying what you can afford and whats genuine. I have listed a few designers back home with affordable lines and in the west brands like Aldo,Zara and H&M are just as fab. xx


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